Vårt kunnande bygger på flera års konkret arbete och ett nära samarbete med forskningen. En av grundarnas specialiteter var och är fortfarande att förstå vad redan erfarna och kunniga människor behöver för att fortsätta att utvecklas i hög takt.
Vi brukar säga att vi inte kommer med några lösningar – vi hjälper dig att hitta lösningarna själv. Riktig förändring uppstår inte genom att någon berättar för dig om hur saker är eller ska vara. Den infaller när du med egna ögon ser och förstår hur världen beter sig och får utveckla dessa tankar tillsammans med andra. Det är en grundbult i alla våra koncept.
I April 2014 tilldelades den svenska mediakoncernen MittMedia det prestigefulla priset ”INMA Global Innovation Award” (bäst i Europa) för sitt arbete med Framtidsverkstads konceptet.
I dag arbetar LearningMiles med de främsta forskarna i världen. Bland annat har vi ett tätt samarbete med Maastricht University i Holland, där våra partners forskar om lärande i organisationer, och Hawke Institute i Australien, där vi lär oss mer om hur samhället och människan förändras.
I dag arbetar LearningMiles med experter och forskare från hela världen
Professor Anthony Elliott
Professor Anthony Elliott is Dean of External Engagement at the University of South Australia, where he also holds the posts of Executive Director of the Hawke EU Centre and Research Professor of Sociology. He is also visiting Professor in Sociology at University College Dublin. Professor Elliott is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, a Fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, and a member of King’s College, Cambridge.
Läs meraProfessor Wim Gijselaers
Wim H. Gijselaers is Full Professor in educational research, in the School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. His research focuses on educational innovation in higher education, social determinants of team cognition and team performance, and judgment and decision making in management and accounting. His educational development work focused on the further development of Problem-Based Learning within Business Education. Next to teaching in the award-winning Master program Management of Learning, he teaches as visiting professor at the University of Bern (Switzerland) in a post-graduate program for Health Care Professionals. Wim is member of advisory boards of universities in Germany and Switzerland, and serves as chief-editor of the Springer Book Series Innovation and Change in Professional Education. Next, he is affiliated with the consulting firm Learning Miles (based in Helsinki). In this role he has presented workshops for Scandinavian-based companies on topics of Innovation and Change. He was co-founder and chair of the EDINEB network in the Nineties. Currently he is chair of the department of Educational Research and Development, at the School of Business and Economics (Maastricht University).
Läs meraProfessor Mien Segers
Mien Segers is Full Professor Corporate Learning at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. She is actively involved in the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) and has been the coordinator of the Special Interest Groups Higher Education and Assessment. She has been publishing in many high-ranked journals, is on editorial boards, and as the chief-editor of the EARLI Book Series ‘New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction'
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